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mployee Cannot Wait For Workplace’s Season Finale

by Daniel

Steve Gunderson, a local man, reports that he has yet to experience one season finale in his twelve years working for Pire Consulting. Unlike many other first world countries, employers in the United States are not required to offer finales or any narrative denouement. There has been traction in New York and New Jersey to amend existing Family Leave Insurance laws to also cover three month long Cliffhanger Leave and six month long Mid-Season Pickup Leave. However, activists say that these laws are a long way from becoming reality.

Steve reports that things did look like they were heading towards a finale last month, with the increased hours for annual reports and the sum total of everyone’s mistakes throughout the year falling down upon them. However, upon completion of this big project, they arrived the following day to discover more work to be done. Steve reported his feelings at this moment as “It was a real bummer. I was really hoping for a series finale so I could stop doing this fucking job.”

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