Home DystopiaDys-JobTopia Employee Gifted $10 Amazon Gift Card, Completely Forgets He’s Poor

Employee Gifted $10 Amazon Gift Card, Completely Forgets He’s Poor

by Daniel

That tricky boss is at it again. He’s done flummoxed his worst paid employee by thanking him for all his hard work with a hallmark card and ten dollar gift card. 

One minute, the employee was enjoying a hot pocket on their half hour break and the next they were being whisked away on a magical princess engagement. And all his coworkers were awe struck as their gallant boss stood there, metaphorically down on one knee, holding an unsealed envelope. “I forgot to write it down but, trust me, it’s ten dollars” he said. “Yes! Yes! A thousand times, yes!” the employee said.

And in that moment, it was all gone. Gone were the artificial barriers of employee and employer. Not even coworkers. No, they were just two people in an office environment and his “boss” really cared about him. He forgot about his cramped apartment. He forgot about his broken car. He forgot about the no healthcare. He forgot that a gift card is empirically less valuable than the ten dollars an hour he is paid. 

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