Home DystopiaNotes From The Future Time Traveler From Distant Future Has Zero Questions About Trump

Time Traveler From Distant Future Has Zero Questions About Trump

by Daniel

As you likely all know, the scientific community has been celebrating for the past week after plucking one random individual from far in the distant future and bringing him to the present. This future man’s true identity and exact year of origin has been withheld to avoid possible paradoxes and safeguard any distant ancestors but he has been codenamed “Steve Gunderson” after project lead Susan Anderson’s deceased father. Most of what information can be gleamed from this man will likely remain classified but scientists have disclosed his reaction upon receiving a dossier on the goings-on of President Trump.

Work with the subject, Steve Gunderson, is ongoing and we have continued to question him on future technological advances and life in the future. We have also begun providing him with dossiers about current day goings-on, written in a current day language we believe he can comprehend, in order to help facilitate a sense of trust. And also aid him, long term, in adjusting to life in this time period. With some luck, his transition may be easier than expected. Just earlier today, we presented him with a hundred page on President Trump’s presidency and he quickly skimmed it, tossed it aside and muttered a phrase in his language we believe roughly translates to “I know all this already.”

Susan Anderson, Project Lead

Susan Anderson is obviously presenting a rather optimistic outlook of the subject’s transition. We can’t help but be more pessimistic about Steve Gunderson’s chances of ever being able to live outside of protective custody, in this time period. Hours after this press conference, the project’s social media intern posted a humorous anecdote on twitter about the subject’s general confusion around spoons.

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