Home The ArtsFake Fiction Spunky Kid Finds Mysterious Box in Attic

Spunky Kid Finds Mysterious Box in Attic

by Daniel

Stevie Gunderson, the lonely new kid in town, reports that he has found an ancient-looking wooden chest in the attic of his new house. Upon attempting to open it, Stevie found it was secured with an archaic puzzle lock of seemingly impossible strength. And, upon shining light directly upon the box, weird symbols who appear to be vaguely Nordic in origin shined through its normal dusty appearance. A preliminary google search for an old English phrase carved into the wood reveals a local legend involving a mysterious power that only those pure of intention can unlock.

Stevie hopes to research further at the local library and hopefully bump into a rag-tag group of unlikely friends who will accompany him on his adventure to uncover the secret of the wooden chest.

Update: The chest was full of porn. Greg, the oldest of the group, has locked himself in Stevie’s bathroom for the past 35 minutes.

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