Home The Arts Masked Signer S3 To Feature One Singer Who Isn't Paul F Tompkins

Masked Signer S3 To Feature One Singer Who Isn't Paul F Tompkins

by Daniel

For two seasons, The Masked Singer has delighted audiences and critics alike in large part due to it’s commitment to it’s unique formula. For those unfamiliar, The Masked Singer is a singing competition unlike any other. Each season starts with a new set of twelve masked celebrities who take turns singing for celebrity judges. And then, one by one, each singer is unmasked and revealed to be beloved comedian and improver Paul F Tompkins.

Whilst ratings remained relatively consistent over the course of the second season, one has to wonder about the long term viability of the formula. Steve Gunderson of the AV Club wrote an editorial entitled “Maybe Only 50% of The Masked Singers Should be PFT” about this exact issue.

And it is likely for this reason that FOX choose to release this written statement on the upcoming third season of the show, set premiere immediately after the Superbowl.

We here at The Masked Singer value our loyal audience that has come to expect a certain thing out of the program. But we are also all about innovation, the same kind of innovation that gave us the first season of this program. And that is why we can confirm, ahead of the season, that at least one singer will definitely not be Paul F Tompkins.

The twitter reaction to this announcement has been understandably brutal. With longtime fan of the program @austin_walker saying “One less PFT. Fox doesn’t get why we watch.” Other fans have said that they simply do not believe this statement. They believe that this is all just a publicity stunt and the “non-PFT” singer will be PFT playing one of his signature characters.

We will keep you updated as both Paul F Tompkins and non-PFT singers are unmasked.

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