Home DystopiaPoli-Dystopia U.S. Army Spackling Iraq, Desperately Trying To Get Deposit Back

U.S. Army Spackling Iraq, Desperately Trying To Get Deposit Back

by Daniel

We have still not heard from President Trump since the Iraqi parliament voted to expel U.S. troops on Sunday. But U.S. Army officials have already issued orders that troops on the ground should begin the process of spackling any damage the country of Iraq has sustained during their time in the country. Spackle will be widely distributed to the troops and their orders will be to concentrate on bullet holes, explosive damage and any miscellaneous holes from hanging portraits.

Whilst Army officials have not ruled out the possibility of repainting Iraq, the consensus amongst those we talked to was that there simply wasn’t enough time. Besides, one official we talked to said that spackling was most likely enough for them to get most of their deposit back.

Update: The New York Times is reporting that The Trump Organization recently purchased a majority stake in U.S. Spackle Co., the primary spackle provider for the United States Armed Forces.

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