Home Just Putting It Out There I’m Not A Nazi, I’m Just Okay With Standing Next To Nazis

I’m Not A Nazi, I’m Just Okay With Standing Next To Nazis

by Daniel

Listen, when I heard that they were removing monuments to the confederacy in Charlottesville, I was appalled. As a resident of Middleburg, Ohio located in Real America, USA, I know what these monuments mean to our heritage. So I took the week off at my real job and went down to protest. And in the intervening years a lot of people in the press and my family have demonized me as a Nazi. And I will admit there were some at this protest that identified as a member of the Nazi party. But I do not and have never identified as a Nazi. I merely went down to protest the removal of some statues. And when I first arrived, I realized rather quickly that the guy standing next to me was a Nazi. And, of course, I was initially a little put off at first but then I was like “Okay, I don’t agree on the Nazi thing but we both agree on the statue thing so I’m going to stay.”

And since then, I’ve found myself standing next to Nazis on many occasions. I personally think college campuses have become rather restrictive of the free speech of Real Americans. And when I went down to a protest, wouldn’t you know it that some of my fellow protesters were carrying Nazi flags? When Colin Kaepernick was kneeling before NFL to protest freedom, it turns out a lot of the Nazi party care a lot about our troops and I was out there right beside them. And on the security of our border, me and the Nazi party are united in our desire for the construction of a strong barrier.

And really, isn’t this what we really need from all Americans? We need people who have strength and courage in their beliefs. A lesser man would abandon their beliefs just because it happens to be shared by so many Nazis. But I have the strength of belief to stand next to the Nazis, very clearly proudly supporting our common interest of increased charter school funding — not the whole Nazi thing.

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