Effective immediately, all managerial and senior managerial level employees have been granted the emergency ability to promote floor and cashier level employees to an assistant managerial position that has become …
Things Are Really Hectic At Work Right Now, That Paper Bag Will Just Need To Stay On The Ground
Citing the currently increased degree to which his employment saps him of his available energy, local man Steven Gunderson has said he will be unavailable to remove the paper grocery…
Activision Blizzard Posts Job Listings For Good-Will Accountants
Earlier today, Activision Blizzard posted several listing on their website for jobs in the growing field of “good-will accounting.” Activision is seeking applicants at both the experienced and entry-level, suggesting…
Steve Gunderson, a local man, reports that he has yet to experience one season finale in his twelve years working for Pire Consulting. Unlike many other first world countries, employers…
Local Man Honestly Can’t Recall What He Does All Day At Work
Steve Gunderson, a local man, struggled to recall what exactly he does for the 8-10 hours he is typically at work. “He just stood there trying to remember; he recalled…
Employee Gifted $10 Amazon Gift Card, Completely Forgets He’s Poor
That tricky boss is at it again. He’s done flummoxed his worst paid employee by thanking him for all his hard work with a hallmark card and ten dollar gift…
Did You Ever Wonder How You Could Live Rent Free, With No Income?
Well, you obviously cannot.