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Our Long National Edging Nears Completion

by Daniel

In less than twenty four hours, the redacted version of the Mueller Report will be presented to Congress and the White House is currently preparing for how to deal with the blowback. Where exactly the implications of this report will land is still uncertain but reports are coming in that preliminary talking points have already been produced for various members of the White House Communications department. And the President’s personal legal team is already prepping to release a “counter report” that focuses on suggested obstruction charges. One boisterous member of his legal team told our reporter, off of the record, that they were really going to ” really give it him(Mueller).”

And whilst he allegedly does not know the contents of the report, President Trump took to twitter earlier today to personally decry whatever is in the report as “fake news” that was “pumped out by 18 angry democrats.”

Steve Gunderson, of the New York Times, presented a less than optimistic take on what Congress will actually receive tomorrow.

I expect the report that Congress and the American people receive tomorrow will be heavily redacted by Barr. In his conduct over the past couple weeks, Barr has made clear he will use any justification necessary to hide the truth from Congress. There will of course be legal challenges and that may result in the full report being released. But given the Executive Branch’s discretion on classified matter, the court system will be slow to act. I’d say it’s going to be at least another year until this thing comes.

Steve Gunderson, New York Times

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