Home Dystopia Poor People Are Poverty Actors

Poor People Are Poverty Actors

by Daniel

I’m here to express a belief that I think we all share. We all know it. But for some reason, we’ve all felt scared to go out and say it. Because the coastal elites are watching us.

Poor people are fake.

Poor people are fake. They’re just not real. They’re actors playing a role.  The human race has been on this Earth for thousands of years and this is the richest country in the world. I’m not saying everyone is equally rich but you honestly think people haven’t accumulated wealth already?

Think about the times you’ve seen poor people. Begging for money outside Whole Foods, pushing a broken down car on the side of the road and walking into an Von’s. Didn’t it feel somewhat staged? You’re just minding your own business, being rich, and a poor person comes along to shove poverty in your face. Isn’t it bit a convenient? That a poor person would show you the “error of your wealth.” Like a ghost of poor people present. Well, I ain’t afraid of no ghost.

If you’re still drinking the poor people coolaid, do something for me. Just ask yourself one question. Which of these scenarios is more likely? Poor people are hired actors designed to syphon money and power to democrats? Or the richest and best fundamentally Christian nation in the history of the world would somehow just lets millions of its citizens waste away in subhuman living situations, barely scrounging enough money to eat? I think you know the answer.

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