Home DystopiaPoli-Dystopia Trump Signs Order To Store Years As Two Digits

Trump Signs Order To Store Years As Two Digits

by Daniel

Citing the tremendous economic and technological advancement that occurred in the 1990s, President Trump signed an executive order forcing new software coded in the U.S. to exclusively store the year information of a date as two digits. For example, October 31st, 2018 will now be stored as 103118, rather than the longer version of 10312018. This ends Silicon Valley’s nearly two decade self enforced practice of storing the date information in it’s entirety.

In order to reach this decision, President Trump consulted with several computer scientists who confirmed that four digits did in fact use more computer memory than two digits. When pressed for immediate negative side effects, these computer scientists also reiterated to the president that there would be no immediate downside to the switch. President Trump remarked on his decision “In the 90s, it’s hard to believe what with going on now in California, but these computers were these magical wonderful things that were going to save us all. And I think, maybe, just maybe, I know my opponents will be against this because they make a lot of money off computer memory but maybe it’s time we go back to those good old days.”

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